zmazz |
United States  Posts: 94
what does that mean?? D to D on key of C.. or C to C on other key.. am confused.. |
bodom |
Joined: way back Canada  Lessons: 4 Karma: 5
Hi there! c dorian can be taken in two ways I supose. The first way is like you said D note to D note in the key of "C" so c dorian would mean play the dorian scale in the key of "C" (which starts with the D note and ends on the D note). The second way is C note to C note in the key of "Bb" so c dorian would mean play the dorian scale starting on the C note. The second way is the way it should be( from what I have learned). Look up c dorian on this site it will be in the key of "Bb" which means it be the same as the "Bb" major scale. So c dorian means play the dorian scale starting with the note "C". If you are still confused just say so and I will try and break it down more and make it clearer. Hoped I helped. |
zmazz |
United States  Posts: 94
thanx man.. i get it now..
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