NCFC91 |
I have learnt all the chords in each key for the major triads, for example in A the chords are Bm C#M D, E, F#M G#M7b5 and there was me thinking that i learnt all the keys, untill i looked at the chord progression section on this website.
Can anyone give me an insight of the Natural Minor Triad key. Is it usefull, what the purpose, i suppose for songs which want to sound sad. can anybody tell me a song which is in the natural minor triad key. Might help if its a song i knew, so perhaps mention a beatles song in the minor triad key.
Thanks |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
The natural minor triad isn't a key, it's a chord structure. What it's giving you is the structure for diatonic triads of each scale degree. So where in major the pattern looks like this: I - ii - iii - IV - V - vi - vii*, in minor, the pattern goes like this: i - ii* - III - iv - V - VI - vii*.
Example: In the key of A minor, the diatonic chords are A minor, B diminished, C, D minor, E, F, and G diminished.
Hope that helps. |
NCFC91 |
That has helped me, but dont really understand the importance of the minor triads. Is it just the same concept as the majors triads, that the chords that go well with Aminor, are the ones youve previously mentioned? |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Major tends to have a brighter sound, whereas minor tends to have a darker sound (trying to avoid using words like happy and sad). It just depends on the idea you want to express. |
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