Posts: 15
Hi 2palms,
Here's my '2cents' on your dilemma...
I had a really good guitar teacher years ago who impressed on me the importance of memorizing your major scale spellings. So I did and I am so happy that I did! It is a little work and effort on your part, but it pays off in the long run. To not memorize them is like a wannabe mathematician who didn't bother memorizing his multiplication tables! anyway...
Here are the spellings for your major scales. Repeat them over & over. Choose just 1 a day to master and sooner then you think, you'll have them all 'down cold'! -
I've listed & grouped these spellings in what I believe is a good order for memorization...
key spelling
C C D E F G A B C (NO #s OR bs)
(sharp keys:)
key spelling
G G A B C D E F#G (1 SHARP - F)
D D E F#G A B C#D (2 #s - F,C)
A A B C#D E F#G#A (3 #s - F,C,G)
E E F#G#A B C#D#E (4 #s - F,C,G,D)
B B C#D#E F#G#A#B (5 #s - F,C,G,D,A)
F# F#G#A#B C#D#E#F#(6 #s - F,C,G,D,A,E,B)
C# C#D#E#F#G#A#B#C# (ALL NOTES ARE #...)
(flat keys:)
key spelling
F F G A BbC D E F (1 FLAT - B)
Bb BbC D EbF G A Bb (2 b's - B,E)
Eb EbF G AbBbC D Eb (3 b's - B,E,A)
Ab AbBbC DbEbF G Ab (4 b's - B,E,A,D)
Db DbEbF GbAbBbC Db (5 b's - B,E,A,D,G)
Gb GbAbBbCbDbEbF Gb (6 b's - B,E,A,D,G,C)
Cb CbDbEbFbGbAbBbCb (ALL NOTES ARE b...)
and there they are!...
Observations for memorization:
'C' is ALL or NOTHING...+
'G' has 1 # which is F; 'Gb' has all notes flatted EXCEPT for F...
Sharp keys do not contain flats; Flat keys do not contain sharps...
I have more observations then I have time to write them, so look for your own...
1 last thing, choose a 'scale spelling of the day' and recite it out loud, over & over, until you just know it!!! (not that tough!...)Have fun.
Good luck! |